Education Induction Training

Introduction to the Courses Image

Introduction to the Courses

Module 1.1 - NRC Strategies at the Global and Country Level Image

Module 1.1 - NRC Strategies at the Global and Country Level

Module 1.2 - Project Cycle Management (PCM) Image

Module 1.2 - Project Cycle Management (PCM)

Module 1.3 - Monitoring and Evaluation Image

Module 1.3 - Monitoring and Evaluation

Module 2.1 - EiE, INEE Minimum Standards and Conflict Sensitive Education Image

Module 2.1 - EiE, INEE Minimum Standards and Conflict Sensitive Education

Module 2.2 - Sector and Cluster Coordination Image

Module 2.2 - Sector and Cluster Coordination

Module 2.3 - Non-Formal Education Programmes Image

Module 2.3 - Non-Formal Education Programmes

Module 2.4 - Teacher Training and Professional Development Image

Module 2.4 - Teacher Training and Professional Development

Module 3.1 - Youth Education and Training Image

Module 3.1 - Youth Education and Training

Module 3.2 - Life Skills Training Image

Module 3.2 - Life Skills Training

Module 4.1 - Child Safeguarding and the NRC Code of Conduct Image

Module 4.1 - Child Safeguarding and the NRC Code of Conduct

Module 4.2 - Psychosocial Support Image

Module 4.2 - Psychosocial Support

Module 4.3 - Inclusive Education Image

Module 4.3 - Inclusive Education

Intégration du personnel éducatif

Introduction aux cours Image

Introduction aux cours

Module 1.1 Stratégies mondiales et nationales de NRC Image

Module 1.1 Stratégies mondiales et nationales de NRC

Module 2.1 ESU, Normes minimales de l’INEE et Éducation tenant compte du conflit Image

Module 2.1 ESU, Normes minimales de l’INEE et Éducation tenant compte du conflit

Module 3.1 Éducation et formation des jeunes Image

Module 3.1 Éducation et formation des jeunes

Module 4.1 Sauvegarde de l’enfance et Code de conduite de NRC Image

Module 4.1 Sauvegarde de l’enfance et Code de conduite de NRC


01 Introduction to PowerBI Image

01 Introduction to PowerBI

02. Introduction to the Power BI Desktop Image

02. Introduction to the Power BI Desktop

03. Modeling your data Image

03. Modeling your data

04. Visuals Image

04. Visuals